Author: italian course guy
you will learn how to learn Italian fast in the following series of tips that deals also with language accessibility. Before entering the topic, you must determine the scope of validity of the considerations that I develop in this paper. Initial view is: I am referring only to sites, not the other channels of transmission of written words, as an audio CD with such a novel. Second division: I am referring in particular to government sites, for which above all is the so-called Stanca Law on accessibility. Third division: I refer to the texts, not to the structure of the site, particularly the majority of the texts contained in these sites, ie the so-called professional texts, addressed to staff, citizens, businesses, for which texts are worth the now numerous documents (projects, manuals, guidelines) of the project to simplify the administrative language.Fourth division: among all the beneficiaries of accessibility, I am referring in particular to the blind.
A new theme
As many are the beneficiaries of the accessibility of a site, the blinds are, at least from the point of view of language, the extreme case, because, as well as a Braille, eligible content listening to the reading to be performed by a voice software. The language of accessibility is therefore a written language that should satisfy even those who listen to the text, not just the reader. The theme is new. In fact, we know (at least in part) only the differences between the spoken and written language and the characteristics of a text written for the drama (drama) and talked to tend to one-way (public speaking), but we never considered features that must have a written text to be read and heard from some others.
Summarize the state of our knowledge. Regarding the differences between the spoken language (we only talked about the so-called structured, not to speak freely about conversations) and the written language of fundamental interest for our discussion is the mode of expression of the logical-semantic relations, ie relations of meaning between the meanings of spoken language expressed by the intonation and pauses, the written language with punctuation, with the connectives (prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns etc.). etc.. For example:
How inflection of voice and attitude as eyes and hands, bending, as if holding on his shoulders resignedly an unbearable burden, the court lean D'Andrea used to say: "Oh dear son!" To anyone who did some joking remark about her strange way of life! (The opening words of the novella of Luigi Pirandello's license).
The first reading is not possible to see that the whole period is an exclamation. Anyone wishing to make sense out loud dell'esclamazione, which is surprising, is faced with some intonation problems. In fact, the main clause is broken by two consecutive engraved ("bending" and "the ruler resigned as an unbearable burden on the shoulders") and contains another exclamatory, moreover, in direct speech ("Oh dear son!").Visualize different sentence structure and define some logical-semantic relations:
first part of the main clause: "With what inflection of voice and attitude as eyes and hands";
sentence secondary level recorded in the first ("curve"), the gerund establishes a relationship of time (while curve) and at the same time so;
sentence secondary level recorded in the second ("as if holding on his shoulders resignedly an unbearable burden") and the 'how' establishes a relationship of similarity;
resumption of the main clause, the subject "Oh dear son!" is also a joke of direct speech, and whose term complement is composed of several elements ("to anyone who did some joking remark).
Now it may be clearer as intonation problems I mentioned are related to the complex hierarchical relationships of the structure of this period. However, the meaning is clear, also because the punctuation is binding. But it is not always the case.
Let's take a second example, not so much paradoxical as it may appear. Consider the famous opening line of Hamlet's soliloquy "To Be or Not To Be, That Is The Question" (Act III, Scene 1). In this verse, the punctuation is not binding, primarily because it is said to be the one intended by Shakespeare (do not have the manuscript of Hamlet), and secondly because those who applied - the printers of the time - followed the criteria for entry to the English drama, for which punctuation should indicate to the actors breaks (it happens sometimes to find a colon or comma between subject and verb, and other licenses of this type). Consequently, tuning and otherwise unlawfully, we can get different meanings:
"To be or not to be? This is the problem! "
"To be or not to be ... this is the problem ";
"To be or not to be: that is the problem";
and even "To be or not? Be! This is the problem "(" To be or not? To be! That is the question! ": With this solution, all the rest of the monologue dumb way).
And here we reach the limit of our knowledge about the characteristics that must have the written language to be heard, because all I can say (which is not very) to speak true if the written language is a human being (an actor, a speaker), that is someone who, understanding and interpreting the text and even working on the feedback of his audience, can handle the pitch and pauses so as to understand the relationships between the meanings of meaning. But the language of accessibility is read by a voice software, that an interpreter is not smart - in the etymological sense: that it is not what the law - which then manages the intonations and pauses without understanding the text and punctuation only playing automatically, connectives and, more generally, the structure of a sentence (and, of course, is not interactive in the sense that does not process feedback).
The issue, therefore, is new and focuses on two aspects:
the text is to hold the exchange rate channel (reading and listening);
The text must contain the elements necessary for a software to handle voice intonations and pauses properly, that is able to convey the sense of relations between the meanings.
To get an idea, however approximate, of the experience of listening to a blind person, I surfed the web with a screen reader (a demo version of Freedom Scientific JAWS 8.0, html) and I tested several fragments of text with the Interactive Demo of Loquendo TTS ( The two programs have in general also important differences in vocal performance, on which, however, gloss over, wanting to consider the problems of listening, not the problems of individual software, beyond the limits, play a very advanced service.
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