Exploring The Depths Of The Senses In Italy

We humans are creatures of sight and touch, and Italy will not disappoint seekers of tactile and visual stimulation.  Visualize the blending of ancient and modern worlds in the image of a double decker bus pulling up in front of the Colosseum in Rome.  Imagine the magic of the Renaissance artists in full bloom still on display after centuries, like the everlasting artwork of Michelangelo, including David in Florence and La Pieta in Rome, accompanying the height of modern fashion and some of the world's best clothes shopping opportunities.  

Picture the sights of Venice, one of the world's most romantic cities, where a huge crowd gathers in Saint Marc square on New Year's Eve to celebrate love, friendship, and passion with traditional copious kissing, then immerse yourself in the sensation of sinking into the therapeutic thermal baths on the Isle of Ischia.  By enjoying your next vacation in Italy, you can treat yourself to a world of unique sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and sensations unlike anything you have experienced before.

The smells of Italy will greet you from the moment of your arrival, at once calming the mind and enticing the appetites.  The smells of nature, from sea air blowing in off the breathtaking Amalfi coast to fragrant cherry blossoms in Sicily, will greet you at each destination, stimulating both memory and imagination.  The smells of fresh baked bread and other elements of Italy's world-renowned and exotic cuisine will envelope you as you walk down the streets of its historic cities.  No Italy trip would be complete without the experience of tasting the variety of its culinary delights, accompanied by some of the world's finest wine, topped off by a visit to Torino, the City of Chocolate, dedicated for centuries to perfecting the confectionery arts.  

Your experience may include the captivating sounds of one of Italy's fine traditional operas, the spellbinding performance of a classical symphony orchestra, or the booming of fireworks over Venice during the Festa del Redentore. There can be no better vacation destination than Italy for exploring the depths of the senses.  With its intensity and variety of experiences and sensations, a vacation to Italy is guaranteed to be stimulating, thrilling, and memorable.  In this rich land full of history and culture, from prehistoric ruins, through the ancient Roman relics, to the philosophical and artistic explosion of the Renaissance, each location is different and holds unique treasures for those who wish to develop a fine palate and perfect the art of living through the senses. 

Ultimately, the purpose of traveling is to stimulate the senses with unique experiences.  The reason we go on vacations and travel overseas is to experience the sensations associated with places other than where we call home, and the pleasure in any vacation or travel experience is directly related to the degree to which we experience sights, smells, sounds, flavors, and sensations that are not only different from what we normally experience, but also immersive and stimulating.  We rely on arousal and variety to not only heighten the senses, and thus the experience, but also to fully impress our memories with all we have taken in.  A vacation without intense stimulation of the senses can only be a less-than memorable experience.


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